Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Men’s Fashion Flash Kanye West’s Rosewood Movement

With the tag, “Rosewood movement, suits all day,” it seems Kanye is showing deference to the town of Rosewood, a once poverty black city in Florida whose citizens were murdered and whose stores were burned down by a white mob upset that one of their young ladies was so called raped by a black man. One of the survivors of Rosewood recalled in this article, “A big blaze, just burning down, burning up the whole thing, just burning up my grandma’s house, churches and everything. They burned up everything we had, all our clothes and everything. Yeah, they burned it up.” In the 1990’s, filmmaker John Singleton made a movie about the incident called, “Rosewood.” The State legislature ultimately awarded the victims’ families $2.1 million.

Kanye’s new predilection for suits perhaps is a nod to the black business owners of the day. I can dig it.

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